If You're Afraid to Stop Hiding Behind The Fat | JoLynn Braley Weight Loss CoachIf you’re afraid to stop hiding behind the fat but you really want to lose weight, keep it off, and come out of hiding, then what can you do?

Is it best to stay hidden? Is it best to keep eating and stay safe, even though you’re miserable in your isolated shame over your binge eating?

Is it better to step out into the light even though you still carry the fat on your body? What if the only way to stop hiding behind the fat is by moving forward from where you are right now? What if you will easily stay hidden behind the fat if you don’t step out into the light?

What if hiding gets easier the longer you do it?

What if your comfort zone of safety isn’t keeping you safe? What if your comfort zone of pain, frustration and shame over your out-of-control eating is only comfortable because you’ve lived there for so long?

What can you do if you’re stuck?

If You’re Afraid to Stop Hiding Behind The Fat

Here’s what I can tell ya if you’re afraid to stop hiding behind the fat: if you make your fears more important than your dream of losing weight and keeping it off, then you’ll continue to struggle and keep the fat on your body. Plain and simple.

Why is this a fact? Because it’s your FEAR that keeps you fat. It’s your Fears that feed your comfort zone and keep you in hiding behind the fat!

Contrary to popular belief, your comfort zone does not keep you safe. Instead your comfort zone only keeps you comfortable in the same unhealthy patterns you’ve lived with a lifetime. It’s those unhealthy patterns that make the fat stick to your body and make it impossible to drop the fat permanently.

The good news is that it IS possible to achieve permanent weight loss even though you never have up until now. But to do so it’s going to require a leap of faith. You will have to increase your faith high enough so that it drowns your fears. Only then will you be able to step out into the light and stop hiding behind the fat.

It doesn’t mean that it’s always going to be easy and here’s why: Staying in your comfort zone is the easiest thing to do. Continuing to binge eating, use food for comfort while blaming others for your predicament is the easiest route to take. But that route won’t set you free. It will only make the chains that bind you even heavier, it will make your out-of-control eating even stronger, and it will make it even easier to pack on more pounds while you drive yourself deeper into hiding. Hiding behind the fat but what’s worse, is that you’re hiding behind your fears.

The Way Out

The way out is totally possible for you, but only if you make the decision to grab it. Don’t be fooled by your fears though! Here’s what I mean: what most do is they allow their fears to fool them into thinking they can avoid making the decision to grab the way out of their food and weight struggles, but it’s impossible to avoid making this decision. It doesn’t matter if you tell yourself “I have to think about it before making a decision” because you didn’t get out of making a decision with your delay. What you just did there was you decided to stay where you are!

When you’re afraid to grab the way out and you decide by default to stay where you are, that decision will make it easy to keep hiding behind the fat.

Here’s why: when you decide to wait and avoid making the decision to stop hiding behind the fat then you’ve made the decision to keep hiding behind the fat.

There’s no way around this.

You either decide to move forward into the light and grab the path to freedom from your food and weight struggles, or you decide by default to stay where you are and drive yourself deeper into your isolation and fear where your out-of-control eating reigns supreme. It’s in that place of hiding where it’s really easy to keep binge eating, continue emotional eating, and go on wishing that you could lose weight permanently, but never actually get there.

Sounds grim doesn’t it? But you’re not alone! Millions are living in a comfort zone of fear, fat, overeating and overweight right now. They will continue to live there also, until they decide that they deserve to stop hiding behind the fat.

It all comes down to a decision. You can make the decision now to stop hiding. It’s really that simple. This doesn’t mean you’ll suddenly be thin, that part takes time! But when you decide to stop being afraid and you decide to stop hiding behind the fat then you can move meal-by-meal towards your ideal body. Then you can feel good to be out in the light instead of hiding in the darkness. Then you can begin living instead of staying in hiding.

What’s your decision? A better question is, do you want help to release your fears so that you really can stop hiding behind the fat? If you do then I have your first step for you. This is only for you though, if you’re totally serious about putting an end to the struggle, if you’re totally serious about making YOU and your dreams more important than your fears, and only if you’re totally serious about ending your food and weight struggles for good. If this is true for you then click here and then complete an application for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with me.

I have the tools and the proven system that will make it a reality for you to stop hiding behind the fat. But you won’t get there if you don’t take action, and action is a must right now. Why? Because if you don’t act now to move towards your dream, then you are taking action to move further into the shadows. You cannot stand in the middle, it’s just not possible.

If you’d love to stop wondering why you’ve never been able to stop overeating to lose weight and keep it off (even though you’re super smart and successful professionally) then click here to get started now. It’s your first step towards coming out of hiding and releasing your fears that have kept you stuck in hiding behind the fat.

Just imagine how good it will feel to Stop Hiding!