Easiest way to Lose Weight - Fit Healthy Sexy JeansWhen you decide for yourself that Now is the time to Stop Hiding Behind The Fat, what you do is commit to yourself to make the necessary inner changes that transform YOU and give you the easiest way to lose weight there is. Transformation that occurs first on the inside (the inner changes) that then Rock On on the outside and manifest in struggle-free, consistent actions.

Not only is this the easiest way to lose weight, but it’s also the quickest way to lose weight.

When you are no longer struggling, then you are no longer blocking yourself from success, and you have no need to “drag out” success. You Get It Now.

So, what does this mean? What does it mean to be struggling and blocking yourself from success?

Well, whenever you are struggling to:

  • Get started.
  • Get “motivated”.
  • Stay “motivated”.
  • Stay consistent.
  • Keep going.
  • Not only lose the weight, but Keep It Off.
  • End the yo-yo syndrome.

Whenever it’s a struggle for you to lose weight and keep it off you’re clearly not taking the route of the easiest way to lose weight.

However, when you step up for YOU and Stop Hiding Behind The Fat, a major component of that journey is in going to the core of what has been driving your behaviors. You know, all of those behaviors listed above as well as any other behaviors you are doing/not doing that are keeping you stuck in an overweight, unhealthy, feel-bad body.

When you transform THAT, the core, then there is no more struggle.

There is nothing more to fight against and struggle with once you transform and release the core of what has been driving your unsuccessful actions. You make the necessary inner changes and completely transform on the inside, and the outside.

One outcome you could get from such a transformation in YOU is the outcome I’ve gotten in just these past couple of months: I’ve gone from a size 12 jean to a size 8. And not a size 8 with a muffin top. No. This is a size 8 DKNY jean, a fit, healthy, sexy size 8 that fits, is comfortable, and looks great on me. And baby, I’m not done yet. 😉

How did this happen? I used the same tools and techniques on myself with the help of my own coaches and teachers I invested in myself with in order to create the inner changes to transform ME…so that I could get out of my own way and stop struggling. So that I could Stop Hiding Behind The Fat.

These are the same tools I help my clients with in my step-by-step roadmap to success where they Stop Hiding Behind The Fat. In fact it’s funny because they’ve been getting results all along – the difference is that teacher (that’s ME) allowed herself to truly go for it and “go there” to Stop Hiding Behind The Fat herself.

There truly is nothing easier when it comes to losing weight. The easiest way to lose weight is to go to the core of what has gotten YOU to where you are now.

Once you transform your inner YOU then there is no more struggle on the outside: no more yo-yo’ing, no more struggles with food and your weight, no more obsessing about food. You experience the same level of success you already have in the other areas of your life and this one area that has been hanging on and causing you frustration becomes a thing of the past. F.U.N.!!